
梁娟1,2,*, 郭泽宇1, 叶漪1
1怀化学院生命科学系, 湖南怀化418000; 2民族药用植物资源研究与利用湖南省重点实验室, 湖南怀化418000

通信作者:梁;E-mail: liangjuan8242@163.com;Tel: 15874592599

摘 要:

采用盆栽土壤水分胁迫试验方法, 分析不同土壤水分含量(5.78%~21.32%)对珍稀濒危药用植物七叶一枝花(Paris polyphylla)光合特性和主要有效成分皂苷积累的影响, 以期为人工栽培中水分的管理提供依据。结果表明, 随着水分胁迫的加剧, 叶绿素含量、最大净光合速率(Amax)和光饱和点(LSP)逐渐下降, 而光补偿点(LCP)和暗呼吸速率(Rd)逐渐升高; 根茎体内总皂苷含量则随土壤水分含量的降低先增加后降低, 当土壤含水量为12.44%时皂苷含量最大(11.95%)。可见水分胁迫不利于七叶一枝花的光合作用, 但适度水分胁迫可提高其皂苷含量。因此, 人工栽培七叶一枝花时, 前期需提供较充足水分以满足其营养生长, 后期则可进行适当的水分胁迫, 以提高皂苷含量。

关键词:七叶一枝花; 水分胁迫; 光合特性; 皂苷含量

收稿:2013-10-08   修定:2013-11-21


Effects of Different Soil Moisture Conditions on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Effective Content of Saponin of Paris polyphylla

LIANG Juan1,2,*, GUO Ze-Yu1, YE Yi1
1Department of Life Sciences, Huaihua University, Huaihua, Hunan 418000, China; 2Key Laboratory of Hunan Province of Study and Utilization of Ethnic Medicinal Plant Resources, Huaihua, Hunan 418000, China

Corresponding author: LIANG Juan; E-mail: liangjuan8242@163.com; Tel: 15874592599


Using pot experiment of soil water stress, the photosynthetic characteristics and effective content of the endangered Paris polyphylla with the treatments of different soil moisture conditions (5.78%–21.32%) were studied, which could provide basis for water management in artificial cultivating. Results showed with the intensification of water stress, the chlorophyll content, maximum net photosynthetic rate and light saturation point decreased gradually, while the light compensation point and dark respiration rate increased. The total saponin content in rootstalk first increased and then decreased with the decreasing of soil water content, and the saponin content was the highest (11.95%) when the soil moisture content was 12.44%. It meant that water stress was not conductive to the photosynthesis of Paris polyphylla, but moderate drought conditions could increase the content of saponin. So we can maintain certain moisture at the vegetative growth stage of Paris polyphylla, while in the later period we can make appropriate drought treatment to increase the content of saponin.

Key words: Paris polyphylla; water stress; photosynthetic characteristics; saponin content

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